The Bonita Suite

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Room features

ocean front
Ocean View
Free WiFi
Outdoor Chiminea
full kitchen
Full Kitchen
self service laundry
Self Service Laundry
1 King Bed +


Guests who stay in the Bonita Suite get exclusive use of our oceanfront patio! Equipped with a chiminea (wood provided), a BBQ grill, lounge chairs, and a dining table and chairs, the Bonita patio offers the ultimate Pier Bowl experience.

The Bonita Suite is furnished with a king-size bed, a queen-size sofa bed, a full kitchenette, and a bathroom with a view. The kitchenette is stocked with a Brita water pitcher, pots, pans, dishes and silverware, various kitchen utensils, glasses, wine glasses, a coffee maker, coffee, and coffee mugs.

Enjoy whitewater views as you soak up the sun and end the evening by taking in a stunning sunset while staying warm and cozy by your chiminea!


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